
[哈萨克斯坦地理气象] 阿斯塔纳贝特列克纪念碑,Bayterek Monument


努尔兹霍尔·布尔瓦(Nurzhol bulvar)的核心是这座97m高的纪念碑,一座白色的格子塔,上面有一个大玻璃球。这体现了哈萨克人的传说,其中神话般的小鸟萨姆鲁克(Samruk)在高高的杨树上生出了人类渴望和幸福的秘密的金蛋,这是人类无法企及的。电梯将游客带到蛋内,在那里您可以思考象征意义,欣赏广阔的视野并将您的手放在纳扎尔巴耶夫总统的手掌上,同时凝视他的宫殿。


Nurzhol bulvar's centrepiece is this 97m-high monument, a white latticed tower crowned by a large glass orb. This embodies a Kazakh legend in which the mythical bird Samruk lays a golden egg containing the secrets of human desires and happiness in a tall poplar tree, beyond human reach. Lifts glide visitors up inside the egg, where you can ponder the symbolism, enjoy expansive views and place your hand in a print of President Nazarbayev’s palm while gazing towards his palace.

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